Or should I say, "Scared Girl?"
She hit the golf ball in the right pocket so the casket opened. We wanted a picture, so asked her to stand next to it. And then it started to close! Scared her silly and we got this picture to prove it!
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This weekend B-boo and I were working on her school. While sitting there with her, I started going through some old pictures I'd found, when I came across the following. These pictures were taken 6 years ago, the first time my niece came to live with us. I hadn't realized that the photographer was snapping while we were getting ready.
Note that the Talented One is starting to look like he is in trouble…and mom is looking rather annoyed.
I don't remember what he was doing, but it is obvious my look said enough.
No words needed.
The look must have worked, because he was standing straight and paid attention. As a matter of fact, for the next 27 pictures, his face stayed pretty much the same. Maybe it has something to do with the prayer his sister seemed to have been doing?
The end result was the following family picture. This was done with swapping of heads and lightening up of the Good-Looking One's major sunburn. The main thing I remember is that it took FOREVER to get this family portrait!
It was the last professional portrait we ever took as a family. That was six years ago. Last year, we had to have a family photo for licensing. There were a lot of groans and complaints, but we got it done in one…count it…one shot!
And then, the Talented One fixed it for me in Photoshop. You know, as I was writing this blog, it dawned on me, how *talented* the Talented One has become with photoshop. The pic below was done in a matter of minutes. He's actually really good at it now. I wonder if it has something to do with that family pic of oh so long ago that he was in so much trouble with. I wonder if he vowed then and there he'd never have to go through that again. Probably not, but it does make one wonder……………
I'd love to have a new, professional family portrait. I really would. But I don't think I'd ever be able to get my kids to do it again….it would be a nice gift though…hint, hint.
This post is linked to Wordless Wednesday on 5 Minutes for Mom.