Ah…a normal Monday where we get up early and head to VBS. Ok, not really a normal Monday, but not a bad day if I do say so myself!
I ended up in the kitchen serving food to the leaders as they came in for break. It was a nice twist for me. Several years ago, I taught VBS, then moved to a Director position, then took a break for a year, then taught a mom's class, took another year off…and this year, the kitchen.
And I liked it. Because not only did I get thank you's all day long, I got to meet every leader involved with Vacation Bible School this year! I've been at the church for 19 years now. It is no longer the small church where everyone knew each other. I met so many new people today!
After, I headed home with a van full of kids for lunch. Got rid of them for a couple of hours (they know I love them) and took care of my nephew. Finally, a friend came over to cut our hair while we chatted and made dinner.
And the Drama Queen lost a tooth; after much drama, of course!
And the dogs had to be bathed, because they got into the grill and are full of grease. White poodles; black grease. Yuck!
And THEN….we headed over to Sally's for some new stuff for the new hairstyles; and the cashier comments about my four teens..and then I tell her I have three more kids at home. Priceless look on her face!
And FINALLY, we headed over to take the Twin home. As we are driving down the freeway, B-boo notices the top to the jeep is not clamped on, so she is trying to hold it down until we can pull over. Try driving a a jeep as a short person with another person leaning over you trying to keep the top down! We finally pull over into a CVS and set the Twins to work on it. Nope.
B-boo finally tells them to unhook the back and then hook the front, and then hook the back. It works. So we grab some drinks and candy and take the Twin home.
Yup, that's what Mondays are all about for us.Now you know why I look forward to them so much.