For those of you who have big families, I am sure you can understand how our family dynamics work when we all get together. The older generation are the grandparents. The next generation has us all as “Tio and Tia.” We are actually most of us cousins, but there are just too many of us. Then, all of the younger generation are simply cousins. That’s just how we roll.
There is always a lot of laughter when we are together and one never knows what to expect. We’ve raised our kids in this madness which can only make things crazier. Ah, the stories we could share…
Like the time one of the younger ones was conned into shaving her lips…
Or when two of them decided to sandwich another one; only the victim knew it was about to happen so moved at the last minute. And the two troublemakers had a head on collision…literally; resulting in a lot of blood, swelling, and attempt to cover it up…as if we wouldn’t notice the aftermath!

Most recently, hubby took the DQ to go visit his parents for a few days. She was thrilled to be able to spend time with her favorite cousins.

In keeping with their usual antics, they decided to play a little game. So not long after she’d arrived, my sister-in-law sent me this photo.
Afraid to ask what had happened, she assured me that no one was hurt and sent me the following videos…which she took….in slow motion.
Not to be outdone by his younger brother, my nephew decided to try it too, if the DQ was still up for it. (Of course she was!) only he landed in the wall, which explains the first photo she sent.
We are planning a trip together in a few months.
Hopefully with ALL OF US!
Hopefully we will all survive!
I can hardly wait for it!