Have you ever noticed how when you're focused on how much your life is…well…not going so well, God shows you someone's whose is worse?
Last night, as we were cleaning up after youth, I felt an urge to take the last six homeless ministry bags with me. But I ignored the urge, thinking I still had one in the van and that I'd grab some more next weekend. These bags have juice/water, snacks, hygiene items (like soap and mouthwash), and a personal note of encouragement in them. The idea is to carry them in your vehicle, and then when you pass a homeless person on the street, you can hand them a bag of encouragement. I knew I had one bag left, so I ignored that urge.
Fast forward to today. I had to run a couple of errands. Today didn't start out too great and I've had a lot on my mind. One of which is trying really hard to know what God is trying to say to me and listening when He says it. I was waiting in the deli line with an older gentleman. We waited for quite a while, and finally someone noticed and came over and asked who was first in line. I replied that the gentleman was.
He replies, "And the first will come last and the last will come first."
I simply smiled, yet was reminded of this scripture:
"So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but
few chosen."
Matthew 20:16
As I was pulling out of the store parking lot, I had to stop at the light. Next to me was a homeless woman, with a sign that said,
"I have no home or food. Please help."
I rolled down my window and handed her the bag as she quickly said "thank you."
And then I noticed several other homeless people all around me. I had no more bags to give and instantly thought of last night, when I had the *urge* to take the remaining bags with me. But I didn't. I wish I had listened to that still, small voice.
Lately, God has been speaking to me about something in particular. It's not something I'm comfortable with, but I'm trying hard to listen. I think today was a little reminder; perhaps a test. I didn't do so well.
What I can say is this. I would urge all of my readers to make up their own bags to pass out. If you're local and you attend our church, I'd encourage you to bring in items so that we can make up more bags as we are getting low. We fill the bags with juice or water, snacks (like granola bars), small bottles of hygiene items (such as mouthwash, tooth paste, body soap). We place a note card inside, with a note of encouragement from our youth. And we keep them in our vehicles for those street corners, when we wish we'd had something but didn't. Now you can.
And if you are feeling a bit sorry for yourself today, I'd suggest you open up your eyes and take a look around. Make a difference. You might just find yourself feeling a bit better about your own circumstances!
For more information on this ministry, you can read this: B-boo
40"The King will reply,
'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers of mine, you did for me.'"
Matthew 25:40