Today was one of those days where you just need everything to stop so you can hear yourself think. Instead it was the craziness of the first week of school; filled with the needs of students, their families, the staff, and everything else. So tonight while I waited for my daughter’s appointment to finish, I decided to have some dinner and enjoy the solitude.
I was on my way to my favorite salad place, when I passed by a sushi restaurant, and found myself wandering in there instead. How many? Just one please. You sit at bar? No, can I have the booth please?
It was a nice, comfy booth, with little curtains for privacy…just what I needed to sit and ponder with.
As I sat there, I read through news that I wanted to catch up on, which included the opening of Josh Stevens Elementary. As I read about the grand opening and glanced thru the photos of the ceremony, I thought about what a wonderful influence Joshi was for us all. And it wasn’t just that he was so kind…but it was that he took the time to notice what was around him, and REACT to it in a kind way. There was a beautiful photo of his parents just taking it in, and I was reminded of the conversations we’d had about how much he loved them; no adored them! And his sister and brother. Josh wasn’t a kid who kept quiet about his family; in fact, it was just the opposite. He took any opportunity to brag on them, especially his dad.
As I sat there quietly eating, I couldn’t help but hope that I could be like Josh and notice what has been placed around me.
As I paid my check and walked out, I decided to go for a walk while I waited some more. It was a beautiful night, and I do enjoy walking. A few moments later, I passed by a young woman and her adorable little boy. He looked to be about three years old. They were talking and she was doing something on her phone, so I passed by. I came to a stop, then turned around and headed back, only to have that nudge to stop and see what she needed.
I apologized for interrupting their evening, but wondered if I could assist them. Did they need a ride, something else? The young mother said she was having issues with her phone and the Uber app, so she couldn’t catch a ride home. I introduced myself, to which she responded with her name, which she remarked meant, “Hope” in Russian. She also mentioned her mom would be very upset to see she was accepting a ride from a stranger! I responded that my children would probably be upset to find out I was giving a ride to a stranger!
Turns out we had a pleasant chat as I drove her to her hotel. I learned she is looking for a fresh start and hopes to move here to start over; much as I did 27 years ago with my own son.
As I drove back to pick up my daughter from her appointment, I had a small glimmer of hope. Perhaps tonight, I was a little like Josh, able to notice what was surrounding me and offer just a little bit of kindness to someone who really needed it.