There are those special people you meet in life that just make you smile. My Tia Gloria was one of kind. From the moment I first met her, her genuine kindness and infectious smile just tugged at my heart. She was always ready for a good time and always there to encourage you.
At our wedding, she just danced and danced…and made sure everyone else was doing the same. Last year, she did the same at our son’s wedding.

Tio Pete and Tia Gloria had a home that was always open and welcome. I’m pretty sure there was not a soul who ever walked into their home who wasn’t made to feel like you were part of their family. Theirs was a love of a lifetime and the results of that love filtered out to anyone who was in their presence.
Over the past 23 years, I have had the privilege of being accepted into the Rubio family. Although we live in two different states, we often laugh when telling others about the Rubio’s…they’re loud, fun and most of all, about the most loving, accepting people you’ll ever meet! And that, I am sure, comes from Tia Gloria and Tio Pete.
Tia Gloria went home to be with the Lord this week. I’m still in shock, having a hard time believing it’s real. It just doesn’t seem possible, and yet…
I can’t help but remember the last time we saw each other in person; almost a year ago. I have reflected on our conversation many times over the past year; it made that much of an impact on me. I was traveling to pick up Bboo from a missionary trip to Canada. On a whim, I called my cousin and told her where I was and asked how close was I to her. Turns out I was within minutes, so before I knew it, I was at her house. She immediately called her parents, Tia Gloria and Tio Pete, and let hem know I was there. They came right over and we all had breakfast together. I was so very touched that they had all just dropped what they were doing just to spend time with me.
As Tia and I were sitting together, we were just talking. I don’t know how she knew my heart so well, I hadn’t said anything, but she looked me in the eye and said to me, “Mija, don’t ever worry about what others think of you. Don’t worry about them judging you or not understanding you. You just keep on being yourself and and loving Jesus and know that I love you.”
I have played that over and over in my head so much. I left there so very grateful for the love that she has always shown; the acceptance that she has always given. Most of all, knowing that I was important enough for them to just drop everything to spend time with me.
I believe that was her legacy. She just had a way of making sure everyone knew how much they were loved. Tia Gloria, beautiful inside and out; deeply missed, but thankful to have had her in my life.
I love you, Tio, Renee, Monica, Peter, and Anthony. I am so very sorry.