What a day! It started out with grocery shopping, then went into my niece's birthday party, then to my neighbor's wedding and ended up with a group of amazing teens helping put props together for our children's choir concert next week! I forgot my camera for most of the day, but I did manage to catch this shot. Isn't this a great picture of my hubby and his dad? I love this picture!
And speaking of our amazing youth…I promised to talk about one in particular. The triplet. You may remember him from this blog. He's the one holding the snake. Anyway, our project tonight was making posters of the characters from the Cartoon Song by Chris Rice. Several teens, 11 posters, lots of paint and a glue gun was what we were about tonight. Oh, and pizza, of course.
My job turned out to be outlining the posters with a black marker after they'd been painted to make them stand out better. I was having marker issues. So, the triplet went in search of an awesome black marker for me. 18 classrooms worth of markers and he finally showed back up…with the most amazing black permanent marker I've ever used! Seriously!
This is a Foray marker; apparently made by Office Depot. I've always been a Sharpie fan until today. I made sure the Triplet knew how awesome he was for finding me this awesome marker…and I made sure he put it right back where he got it from, because I am SURE that the person to whom the marker belonged would definitely know it was missing! He felt his task was worth of a blog; I had to agree!
I know…what a funny blog, I'm sure. It's been a long day; I'm tired. But hey, at least I got to use a good marker!