Feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job; wholeheartedly dedicated
Today is my anniversary, so this post is dedicated to my sweetie. We’ve been married 19 years. In today’s society, that’s a long time. Art and I come from parents who are also committed. My parents have been married forever…I *believe* it will be 48 years this fall. Art’s parents have been married for close to 40 years (or is it 41?).

So what’s the secret to our marriage? One, is that he is a dedicated husband and father. He is not only committed, but has a passion for his family.

We have a marriage that is full of love and dedication. Yes, there are days when we may not act so nice, but we forgive, move forward, put our Lord and family first and move forward. Leaving has never been an option; Loving has always been the priority. And I think it shows.

My husband is a great example of putting others before himself, whether small or big. He makes sure the gas fairy fills up my car every Sunday night so I am good for work on Monday morning and he took care of me for months when I was unable to care for myself. He gives me chocolate parties and unhesitatingly will do whatever is asked of him. He doesn’t mind that we always have a houseful of kids/teens whenever there is a day off from school and he always welcome our friends into our home.
I’m so happy to be his wife and look forward to many more years to come!
I love you, babe!