It’s funny how things change. Twenty-five years ago, my life took on a change. After spending some time with my next-door teenager, I became a believer and started attending church. It was at this church that I made life-long friends. It was here that I met the man I would marry and spend the next 24 years with; where we would raise our children.
And in a moment; everything can change.
….And so we begin the next 25 years in reflection of who we are and where are we going?
I’ve spent the majority of this past year in phases. And as I look forward, I have to look back. And what has it taught me?
There is a Spirit that lives within me that provides strength and peace when I allow it.
We are stronger than we realize.
It is ok to simply be the best me I can be.
My children don’t expect me to have it all figured out. (What a relief!)
My teenager can understand and handle that mommy has a broken heart; and help as we overcome.
My children are stronger than I could have ever imagined.
It is ok to let it all out…food for the soul.
There is grace; patience; acceptance.
I have amazing people in my life who have loved me thru it all; the good, the bad, the ugly.
Today, I spend time accepting and learning to feel better about myself.
I spend time enjoying long walks. (Take walks.) It is then that I can ponder and reflect and be encouraged by what God has surrounded me with. I listen to the birds and the wind in the trees; laugh at the hummingbird that dances in front of me. I follow the butterfly as it flits along my path and notice the squirrel that peeks out in curiosity.
I spend time talking to my kids. And listening. And just enjoying being with them and laughing and crying and laughing some more.
I won’t lie. It’s hard being a single mother. R-E-A-L-L-Y hard. I work a lot. And there seems to never be enough time; and most days I feel like a failure when it comes to this new role . I don’t now how I’d get thru it without all of us pitching in to make it work. But….we are making it work.
And so today, Mother’s Day takes on a new meaning. We’ve started over. Starting the next 25 years at a new church; one that is just beginning. This time, I am not a young woman just beginning her life, but instead, one that is older, and can hopefully make a difference.
It fills me with joy to be a mom; and I am grateful times seven plus one.
Happy Mother’s Day to you all.
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