This post is about change. About looking forward to the future.
Our family has gone thru quite a bit of change over the past several months. Change we never expected. Change we didn’t see coming. But…isn’t that what life is about?
My kids are amazing. I have seen them grown in so many ways. We are all a work in progress, but sometimes change forces you to look at life differently; look at yourself differently, and then you have to choose how you will embrace it and move forward.
Sometimes, you have to take a hard look at yourself and ask, “Who am I?”
I’m not sure; but I know I have more courage these days.
So one day, we were at the kitchen table and we were talking about stuff. The Vivas Table Conversation is one that keeps us laughing. We never know where we will end up, but oh…if you only knew… 😆
Anyway, I mentioned that I’d like to get a little butterfly/dragonfly tattoo on the inside of my right wrist. I wanted them to look like they were dancing towards the future. (Proverbs 31:25; my new life verse). Over the next several weeks, B-boo helped me work with an artist to get the tattoo just right. He knew I like purple and what I was after. His design was perfect! Except, it would not fit on my wrist. It needed to be an ankle tattoo.
Proverbs 21:35 states:
She is clothes with Strength and Dignity;
and Laughs without Fear of the Future.
mental power, force, or vigor. power of resisting force, strain, wear, etc.
a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect. a composed or serious manner
likely to happen or exist.
To Christianity, the butterfly was a symbol of the soul; of resurrection. They are able to change to carry on life. They are adaptable. They have the ability to fly. They represent endurance, change, hope, and life.
The Dragonfly is able to show itself in different colors. Iridescent. It symbolizes the ability to live life. To live in the moment.
And so… the moment arrived and I walked in with my daughter and her best friend. They were their to support me. 🙂 And when I saw the beautiful design….I realized the little paper I thought he was drawing on was actually an 8X10! I balked…but I REALLY loved the design. I had a choice to make….the tattoo that symbolized exactly what I wanted, colors and detail that fit perfectly; a tattoo that represented my life; our family…or, a little tattoo inside my wrist.
And so, 5 1/2 hours later….
So much for my little wrist tattoo. 😀
I’m proud of you! The file won’t load. 😞