When our kids were younger, it was often said we looked for any reason to celebrate. We’d have families over with their kids and had so much fun. (I miss those days). The older the kids get, the less you have these times. I get it. But still….
Even within our own family, it is harder and harder for our growing family to all be in the same place at once. Still, I know we all try and if one of us is missing, it is noticeable. I’m glad we have instilled in our family that there are just times when we all need to be together. They may jokingly grumble or make a face, but I know they all look forward to ALL of us being together.
I know I look forward to it.
Yesterday was Drama Queen’s birthday. And while I am thrilled that it was her birthday and I look forward to our “annual selfie birthday photo,” it’s also put me in a good mood just knowing I was going to have my whole family together yesterday.

And I knew I was going to ask for a family photo and that they would grumble because they hate it and there are too many of us and they are still growing so who is shorter and taller is a little confusing now, but still, they went and took one for me. And ONE shot was all we had, soooo…but any way. 🙂
I guess this is why Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s not so much Thanksgiving and Christmas, but knowing that we have three family birthdays, plus family/friend parties, plus the holidays and more. It’s knowing that for the next few months there will be fires outside and beautiful weather, with laughter and talking and times for us to get together and irritate each other and laugh at and with each other….it’s all of that time we have together as a family…and embrace it as we continue to grow and change and well, this is my family…and I love them. 🙂
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