Kathleen’s response to, “Oh, you’re talking again?” “No, we’re just messaging.”
We used to just talk. Now we have to wonder if messaging is talking or just messaging.
Kathleen’s response to “hooking up”
What is hooking up? It could mean five different things? Then there’s talking…or hooking up…or texting…”
Kathleen’s response to “low key hot”
How can you be low key hot? You’re either hot or your not. How can you be low key hot?
Kathleen’s response to “SWAG”
I don’t understand it. I must not have it.
Kathleen’s response to “ratched”
It’s wretched, misspelled.
Kathleen’s response to “Catch a fade”
Something about fighting. I might end up in a fight if I say this.
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