Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. I’ve spent a lot of time this week thinking about what it is to be a wife and a mother. I’m not so sure I’m very good at it. At least, not this week. Not looking for a pity party; just being real.
I love to write, but sometimes I hold myself back because…well, just because.
But tonight, my heart is heavy with motherhood.
So what have I learned and what do I have to give? To begin with, I’d like to say congratulations to the few of my friends who have become grandparents this week. You know who you are and you amaze me! I can only imagine what it is to be a grandparent. What a joy it must be to watch your child become a mother (or father) themselves. For it is only then, that they can truly know the depth of love that a mother can have for her children.
I am blessed with not one, but seven children and a wonderful daughter-in-law. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t thank God for the blessings He has given me.
But most days, I wake up praying for them. I’ve been doing it a long time. You pray they’ll be born with all their fingers and toes. Then you pray that they’ll grow up to be healthy and happy. Then you pray that they’ll be ok when it’s time for you to let them go. And you pray that they’ll some day figure out that you have always been there for them, even when they didn’t like you very much.
Because the reality of motherhood is that you don’t get to be their best friend. Motherhood is not for the tenderhearted no matter what anyone says. Motherhood means you have to be tough. It means sleepless nights and years of pure exhaustion. You have to be willing to stand up for what is right and hold them accountable even when your heart is breaking while you do it. Motherhood is about molding them into strong, caring, loving adults who know the difference between right and wrong and will hold tight to a God who loves them. Motherhood is about preparing them for life.
And in today’s society, it can feel impossible. There is so much out there in the world to influence them. We’re fighting a world that has gone crazy. A co-worker said to me this week, “I look at these kids and they are our kids ages. And I think to myself…this is OUR generation that is messing them up. Isn’t that crazy?”
It is…because today, it’s about instant gratification and whatever can make you happy for the moment. It’s an “all about me” world instead of a “Serve others” world.” Too often, we are consumed with what will make us happy for the moment; and we forget to care about those who should be the most important to us.
Don’t get me wrong, there is so much more to motherhood. Motherhood is also about being willing to go to the ends of the earth for your children. It’s about being willing to push forward no matter what. I remember when my daughter was so sick for so long. I took her to doctor after doctor after doctor. Finally, someone asked me, “How far will you go before you stop?” My answer?
“I will take her wherever necessary and never stop until I find out what is wrong.” And we did…even though it took us from California until we ended up in Kansas City.
Life is tough. I know would not be able to survive without a deep abiding faith in Him.
Motherhood has brought me the deepest heartache and the greatest joy. There is nothing that compares to a snuggle or a macaroni necklace. Buttefly kisses, eskimo kisses, and smiles that will melt your heart. The joy that is felt when you realize that you have done all you can as they marry and start on an adventure of their own.
And so, this Mother’s Day, I go into it knowing that I’m not about to win any prizes for a job well done. It doesn’t really make me happy, but it probably does make me a decent parent. And as much as I’d love to be the best friend, the love of a mother is so much more.
Be encouraged my friends, motherhood is by far a blessing like no other.
Happy Mother’s Day!
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