Five years ago, the Smart One decided he wanted to do karate. We checked out several studios, and finally noticed a new karate studio going in just around the corner from our home. We went in, spoke to Master Sarac, the owner, and never left. The family that has been there for our son over the years has been one I am sure he will cherish for years to come.
I’ll never forget him testing when he was so young. Mr. Murphy was there to hand him his new belt at each test.
As he progressed over the years, there were times when he wanted to quit. One day, he told me,
“No matter how mad I get, Mom, or how much I tell you I want to quit; don’t let me. I want my black belt.”
Ever the leader of his team, Master Sarac encouraged him when he wanted to give up.
And so, he continued on, year after year. The only hold up was a broken wrist, and then a fractured elbow a year later! I wasn’t there for his last test, but Mr. Murphy was. Recently, Mr. Murphy passed away from complications due to diabetes. As we mourned with our son over the loss of a true teacher and friend, he decided the black belt test was for Mr. Murphy. It was what they had talked of together.
Today, I sat through test he’d work so hard to get to. He’s come so far!
Although I am sure it was bittersweet without Mr. Murphy, he did it! I am so proud of what he has accomplished!
Thank you so much, Master Sarac, for the years of dedication you’ve given to our son and so many others! He couldn’t have done it without you!
So proud of you!!! You’ve grown up a LOT since you first started. I wouldn’t have recognized you in the pics tonight! Great perseverance.