It’s time for another Wordless Wednesday…and so, since recent pictures escape me, I thought I’d go search out some of my favorite pictures. And came across this one. This was at our yearly Easter party….SIX YEARS AGO! I have no idea why I am looking down….and even further…no idea why my dear friend has that…well…er…um…worldless expression on her face.
But I sure love and miss her and wish she’d move home!
priceless! unconventional facial expressions are the best! ๐
I love going through old pics and finding the priceless ones!
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Steph and
LOL! Love everything about it ๐
What’s amazing is that the two expressions are actually contrasting! Wonder what she is seeing…
LOL too funny on the expression!
A picture for the ages. ๐
Funny! You should have a caption contest to see what people think is really going on.
I love those candid shots. Both of your expressions are so funny.
FUNNY MOMENTS!! nice day!