It’s four in the morning and sleep escapes me, so what am I do to?
Why, share my new blog page, of course! I spent this past weekend in bed with acute bronchitis. I had planned on getting plenty of work done in between coughing fits and dozing, but my work computer failed me. As some of you may know, I don’t do bed well. I don’t do just sitting well, either. I tried watching movies and such, but after a while….
So, my husband set up a domain for me to transfer my blog to WordPress; something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now but never seem to have the time.
I’ve gotten to know WordPress pretty well while administrating the Josh Stevens Foundation website. There are so many things that you can do with it, it can become overwhelming at times!
I still have things to move over from Typepad, but so far so good! I hope you enjoy the changes I’ve made as much as I do! Oh..and now, you can find me at!
In the meantime, enjoy this Wordless Wednesday!

Click here for more Wordless Wednesday.
I guess you may want to place a facebook button to your blog. I just bookmarked the site, however I had to make it manually. Simply my 2 cents.