I knew coming into 2011 would be a change for us. We have so many changes coming up.
The Good-Looking One will graduate from college this year. HUGE!
The Talented One will graduate from high school this year. He'll start college in the fall. HUGE! (and did I mention he'll turn 18?)
B-boo is turning 16. (Makes me wanna cry.)
The Smart One, our youngest son, just turned 13.And he just might get that black belt this year!
And the Drama Queen…well, she recently turned 10. And she starts middle school in the fall.
This year, we'll have two more legal drivers.
In case you didn't notice, my kids are growing up.
My oldest is moving forward in a career.He's trying to figure out where he'll live, thinking about a family…all of those adult things. Not my baby anymore; he's ready to take on the walk of his life.
The Talented One is graduating high school and about to become an adult. He's taking on responsibility and dedication by sharing his music every Sunday to help lead worship; in the morning…and in the evening. Then there's college, a job, and more. He'll be smiling as he starts a whole new phase in his life.
Then there's B-boo. Sixteen in just a few short weeks. She's grown into a beautiful, young woman. She's planning her way through high school, trying to take the right classes to help her in college. She reminds me so much of myself; only she has a bigger heart, bigger smile, and well, she's much prettier, too! She's so full of life and ready to go wherever God leads here!
And the Smart One. I'm not sure how he's managed to grow up so fast. No longer a child, but a teenager who shaves, he's already planning his way through high school so he can attend the right college. And his in spare time; he's my go-to man. Need a bulb changed? He's the one to call. Need a batter or want the TV to work…he's the man! Want to find a particular tool…just ask him. Bright eyed from the beginning, he's looking constantly looking to see what he can do in his future.
And then…there the Drama Queen. Now in double digits. Starting middle school in the fall. Singing. Dancing. Laughing her way through life.
Last night, I was cold and tired after a long week. It was Friday and seemed a good night to cuddle. I call her my *furnace* for a reason; she's so warm. So, I asked her if she wanted to come cuddle with me and watch a movie.
And she turned me down.
Yup, that's right. She turned me down.
"No, thank you. I'm tired and going to my own bed."
That's what she said.
And she's my baby! There's no next one left to cuddle with; she's it!
There's definately changes happening in the Vivas househole this year.
They were so adorable!!