It's Just for the Joy of It over at Good, True and Beautiful. Love it!
Except, I'm a working mom now and don't get a lot of pictures and don't have enough time with my family. And that's ok.
But it's forced me to look for joy in new ways.
In the little precious moments like: singing with the Drama Queen on the way to work! We have a few moments of let's talk….while she anxiously waits to turn up the radio and see what fabulous song we'll sing together!
I look foward to the texts from my high schoolers that I know I'll get as soon as they are out of school.
And those moments when I get home from work and seek out the Smart One to find out how his day went.
Then there's the joy in hubby calling to check in with me at work and make sure I'm ok.
And there's always joy in Wednesday and Sunday, when we have our regularly scheduled guests who join us for lunch or dinner.
And of course, my oldest son always makes me smile when he shows up.
I have a the best family and friends.
and that's what brings me joy this week!
That sounds like the best kind of joy. No pictures required.