Sometimes, being a parent is difficult. There are many things I don't understand, but many more that remind me of God's grace.
I don't understand why my dear friends lost their son two years ago. But I am amazed at how God has blessed their way of honoring their son's life.
I don't understand why two student's at my children's school lost their lives this week. And I don't know what to do to comfort them other than to let them know I love them; and I understand how they feel.
We have lost many friends/loved ones in the past two years. I've been to more funerals during this time than in my entire life.
My heart breaks for loss after loss after loss.
And honestly, there just isn't anything that one can really say to those who have lost their loved ones that will take away their pain.
But we can be there for them. Share our memories with them. Encourage them; show love and kindness.
And be there for them.
I had the honor of listening to my friend last week as he spoke to a group of high schoolers about his son; and his family's loss. I sat there, facing the audience, as he spoke to the room. You could have heard a pin drop in the silence as they listened, tears streaming down many of their faces.
What touched my heart, was his willingness to share with these teenagers how much they are loved! He wanted more than anything, for them to go away knowing that they are loved.
Tonight, my daughter had to dance during half-time at the football game. I know this was hard for them, because they had lost a friend/sister today. They chose to dance to support their friend. After, there was a time of silence. And I prayed. I prayed for the sister who remains and for the family as they struggle to find some type of….something…that will help them through this.
Tonight, I will tell my children they are loved. I'd encourage any parent out there; don't be at a loss for words when it comes to telling your children you love them.
Tell them.
Tell them they are loved. Make sure they know!
If you'd like to know more about how my friend has honored his son's life, please visit
My husband’s co-worker lost his 10 year old son last evening when his bike was hit by a truck. So many lives have been affected by this tragedy and others like it. It really does bring home the realization that our children are borrowed and not truly ours.
So very true. Treasure them while we have them.