I've often said that I love Good, True and Beautiful's "Just for the Joy of It," because it makes me think of something that brought me joy this week. And there are many things I could write about. But mostly, I'll have to say it's my husband. Seriously.
He is a HUGE supporter of whatever I do. He sees more in me than I could ever see; and he has faith and confidence in me when I shutter in my lack of it. I am often time left in awe as I realize he probably truly sees me the way God intended a husband to see his wife. I hope that makes sense.
And he loves me when I am sick.
Or tired.
and perhaps, even a bit irrational. (But not lately! ha ha!)
This past year, he has been by my side through it all. He was there with me throughout my illness and LENGTHY recovery.
He held me when I cried because I was going back to work full-time. He understood my tears and didn't take it personally.
And he has become a really, really good stay-at-home dad/husband.
He cooks…really, really good meals. And he cooks for my friends, too!
He cleans. Much better than, me, I might add.
He does laundry.
He runs errands.
He checks on me to see if I need him to do anything.
He loves me and cherishes me.
And that, my friends, is what has brought me the most joy this week!
what a beautiful tribute to your husband. Praise the Lord and AMEN!
Aw, that’s really sweet. I’m sure that he appreciates your gratitude for him!