The Drama Queen started her first official day of school today. She was so nervous, but at the end of the day, she popped into my office and informed me, "This was the best day ever!"
Whew…I'm so relieved!
The Smart One is taking percussion; this means we have a xylophone that we rent for his percussions class. Only, apparently it is not called a xylophone anymore; these days it is called bells.
The Talented One seems to be happy with everything. That's great since he's in his last year of high school! I want it to be a great year for him!
And B-boo…she has a pretty good schedule herself, except for one teacher. Oh my! The Good-Looking One had this teacher years ago and it seems the teacher hasn't forgotten him…or his parents, I presume.
Over all, not a bad start to school.
As for me…well, we did have a bit of chaos at our school, but the staff was amazing and handled it well. I'm actually enjoying my job these days and hubby is amazing when it comes to being Mr. Mom!
Life isn't too bad in the Vivas house right now!
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