Life has certainly been busy this past week! However, a blog is in order because I promised the Twin, so here goes!
For those of you who don't know, the Twin is the Talented One's best friend. They bowl together every Saturday morning.They've been friends for years. The Twin is like one of my own and has even been mistaken for mine. His mom is a very special friend to me. 🙂
Anyway, Saturday he came home with us after bowling to help the Talented One babysit, only hubby's meeting fell through, so it didn't happen. And the Talented One crashed fell asleep on him. That left him with two choices: watch Nacho Libre with the Smart One and hubby, or go with B-boo and I to her dance car wash fundraiser. He went with us…and spent three hours as the only guy washing cars/trucks for a girls dance team! That's just the kind of friend that he is.
And a funny one at that. Some of those trucks were big…and being short not very tall, we had to be smarter than the vehicle. We laughed as we told him to climb up on the tires and he looked at us as if we were crazy. And we applauded when he finally made it up. 🙂 And washed those windshields.
And after all was said and done, we headed back to his house, to find his poor mom standing outside with a sick little girl and a ton of wet towels. I asked her, "Are those all from vomit?"
Nope. They were from trying to dry the house out after a pipe burst and flooded it.
More water for the Twin? Perhaps.
And on Sunday morning at church, he came up to me laughing. Someone had asked him if he was the Talented One. Nope.
"Oh, well, are you a Vivas?"
Yah, we think so!
For other blogs on the Twin, see below:
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