Saturday evening, we were sitting around with Punky and the Good-Looking One’s girlfriend, watching a movie. All of a sudden, the Drama Queen comes downstairs with Chicken Noodle Butt. She dramatically informs us,
“Mom, you need to take care of Chicken Noodle Butt, his face is glowing in the dark!”
Not exactly the words I was expecting to hear out of her mouth, but as I looked up, his face was indeed, glowing in the dark.
And he was crying. And we were trying really hard not to laugh.
You see, he’d been given a glow in the dark thingie that he’d snuck upstairs to his room when he went to bed. And he’d apparently kept cracking it until some of the liquid leaked out onto his hair and face. So, he was glowing.
We quickly got up and took him into the bathroom. Punky picked him up and held him over the sink while I ran water over his hair and face. Not sure if we’d gotten it all off, we shut the door, turned off the light, and discovered that yes indeed, he was no longer glowing in the dark!
Meanwhile, the Princess was waiting outside the door with the glow in the dark stick that she’d taken to bed with her. She was handing it over to us, as she quickly stated,
“Here, take it! I don’t want to be glowing in the dark!”
See, it’s moments like this that made me decide to blog!
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