That's what my kids would say anyway! So in looking for the joy this week, I am late writing my post. Why, you ask? Well, because last night I was at our AWANA awards ceremony where the three younger one all finished their books! I'm so glad, too, because that means next week they can all participate in the party!
And this morning, we got up bright and early to attend the awards ceremony for the Smart One at school. He pulled all A's this year, and one B the first semester, so he made the A & B Honor Roll. This meant we got to watch him receive his certificate and then take him out to breakfast before heading back to school. IHOP was full of 6th graders and their families this morning! Even better was the arrival back at school, because his music teacher saw him and came over to tell me how awesome he is and how much he enjoys having him in his class. What more could a mom ask for?
It is so busy this time of year, attending one concert, ceremony, recital, etc. constantly, but it sure is nice to see what all they've accomplished the past nine months!
And that brings me joy.
Yeaaaaaa! What an awesome accomplishment! I was always so amazed and proud of what my boys had done during the school year… now I watch my grandchildren in school and am overjoyed at all they can do and what they’ve learned.
Thank you for sharing this special joy with us! 🙂