Those of you who follow my blog can look forward to reading about something joyous on Thursday as part of Good, True and Beautiful's, Just for the Joy of It. And as some of you state you love to read about my family, I am happy to report that after over three months of being barely coherent by 8 am, I made it back, baby! Twice this week, I have gotten up at 6 am to get the two oldest to high school and then enjoy Bible study with the Smart One before driving him to school, too. Thereby letting my beloved hubby sleep in!
This is cause to celebrate! I've always been an early riser. I am up by 6 am most days; sleeping in for me is 7ish. I've not taken anyone to school since my surgery/illness. So, we had an extra scoop of joy this week….all of us!
But the REAL joy (sorry kids) came from a new discovery. B-boo and I were picking up some stuff in Wally World when we passed by the…dare I say it….chocolate aisle. I have a real fancy for chocolate. Especially good chocolate. Especially delicious dark chocolate. But not too dark so that it is bitter. It has to be just right.
And then, I spotted it! Werther's Original Caramel Chocolate, Dark Cream. I cannot not even begin to explain to you how truly delicious this amazing new product is! I could eat a whole bag in one setting! It is just the right amount of smooth, creamy, chocolaty flavor. It is not filled with caramel, so you taste more caramel than chocolate. It is swirled in together, making it just melt in your mouth! It is so new, I couldn't even find a picture of the bag on the internet! And it isn't in just any store, either. I know…I've looked!
This is as close to the bag as I could find; same color, but it's wrong, because the bag I bought says dark cream on the side and Caramel Chocolate instead of Chocolate under Original. I'm thinking that this is very important because I'd hate for one of you to go dashing out to the store in search of this joyous chocolate and pick up the wrong bag and then become upset with me over it!
Here's hoping your taste buds find some joy this week!
This looks so good, a guaranteed source of joy!!