So the other day, Chicken Noodle Butt eats a banana. He goes to throw away the banana peal. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the peal go flying across the kitchen. I look up and ask him what he’s doing. He says he throwing his peal away. I ask why is it flying across my kitchen. His reply?
“Aunt Hope, I’m trying to throw it this way.”
And he holds it at his side and turns around in a quick circle to show me what he’s trying to do. He’s trying to spin around and send it flying; with hopes of it landing in the trash can. Yeah, right!
So I tell him to go ahead, but that if it lands anywhere else in my kitchen, he has to sweep the floor.
He spins; it flies; it lands on the counter next to the microwave. We all burst out laughing. Then, I tell him he has to go get the broom and dust pan.
The Talented One proceeds to show him how to sweep. He spent the next 45 minutes happily sweeping the floor.
Ok, it wasn’t like I would have done it, but he did have fun going around to different spots sweeping up dirt. I mean, he’s five, after all!
Do you have a laughable moment? I’d love to hear it!
Chicken noodle butt!! Lol!