Last night I talked to a friend of ours. We just love them so much and hadn't talked to them in a while. We made the decision for the Drama Queen and I to go over for a visit today as the husband is in congestive heart failure and stuck in bed. We have lost a lot of loved ones in the past 1 1/2 years, so that time has to be special.
As we walked in this morning, he didn't recognize me. He has always recognized me before, so it made me a little sad. Then, his face lit up and he said,
"Hey, I think I've met you before!"
And then he saw the Drama Queen. And his face really lit up. He recognized her!
We visited for a while. Being cooped up in bed for almost three months has really shown me how important it is to visit those who can't get out of the house.
As we were getting ready to leave, I told him I loved him, and he grabbed my arm and said, "You better!" and held on to me for a few more minutes. I told him we'd be back soon and then we left.
I'm so glad that we went today. I'm so glad that the Drama Queen is so willing to love an older generation with all her heart.
That brought me joy.
And I bet you brought a lot of JOY to your friend too… what a special blessing you two were today!