You know, I'd like to just say some people are plain…er…well….not very smart.
And mean!
And well….missing out.
We have a large family. We are BLESSED to have a large family. My hubby and I CHOSE to have a large family. We ENJOY having a multitude of kids!
For those of you who don't; that's OK. It's not my business how many children you want. Or have.
Frankly, I cannot count the times over the past several years where I have been in public with my children and some random stranger thinks it is OK to lecture me on my irresponsibilities to the world for having more children than the normal 2.5! (And can some please tell me how it is possible for one to have 2.5 children anyway?!)
I have gone into a grocery store where someone has literally counted my children as we walk in. Yes, counted them! I had five children at the time. I mean, yes, it is a large family, but so unbelievable? Really?
Another time while shopping at Costco, I had a man lecture me, IN FRONT OF MY CHILDREN, on how sorry he felt for me because I had too many children. Sir, I feel sorry for you; for you will never know the blessing you have missed out on by condemning those with children instead of enjoying the unconditional love that they might have for you.
I had another lady tell me one time (in yet another grocery store) that I had no business having so many children and using the government to pay my way through. Um…excuse me, but we weren't using the government for anything, thank you very much!
We have raised our children on our own with no assistance for 22 years, thank you very much! But today, oh my word!
Yes, economic times are tough. In addition to our own five children, we are once again also raising extras. That's what families do; we take care of one another. Yes, my husband lost his job 6 months ago. Yes, we lost our health insurance along with it. And yes, for the first time ever in our lives, we are receiving food stamps and medicaid. And I refuse to be embarrassed by it. And praise God for it, because with my recent health issues, I don't know how we would have ever paid the medical bills.
And so today, I had to spend some time in that wonderful place we all call *the Welfare Department.*
And spent more than enough time in line.
And as if that wasn't enough, I had to sit and listen to people complain about how *those* people continue to have children just so they can take advantage of the system. How *those* people shouldn't be allowed to have children any more. How *those* people should have to have their tubes tied. How *those* people need to stop watching so much porn. (I promise you, I did not make this one up!)
And then, I had to listen to how *responsible* they were; because they made sure to only have one child. And *they* are not taking advantage of the system, because after all, *they* only have one. And the other didn't have any. So, may I ask, why were you there this morning, if you only had to take care of yourself and no children? (Of course, I just kept my mouth shut, faced forward, and prayed they would stop talking soon.)
I needed an attitude adjustment before I ever went into that building today. It only got worse.
Because on top of that, I had a lady in front of me and a man behind me….fighting over why she is running from him and how he is so possessive and about the domestic violence between them, and the foul language, etc…and the security guard did nothing to stop this. All while listening to the others venting on why people shouldn't be allowed to have large families.
I wanted to shout, "Really? Do you think I enjoy coming to this place to be around this for hours?"
I was finally able to walk out of there. And do you know what?
I am able to come home to a houseful of people that love me. I can get a free hug whenever I ask for one. There is always someone to cuddle with. There is always someone with a smile on their face just for me. There is always someone who wants to show me something wonderful that they can do. There is always someone that would love to spend some quality one on one if I ask.
I am BLESSED, indeed! Blessed with many children who are a reflection of the deep love that my husband and I have for one another. More importantly, I am blessed by a God who chose me to be a mother to these beautiful children.
Don't feel sorry for me…I mean, look at that sidebar to the right? Those are BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING children (and young men!
Just call me, Blessed!
And don’t get me started on if everyone only has one child in how few generations it will be before we as a society no longer exists.
That’s an unfair assumption to make.
When i do marry I want more than 2.5 kids. I think having a big family is nice.
I would haven’t been nearly a nice. I would have given that woman atongue lashing and a half.