It's funny how even when they don't *plan* to look alike, they still do! This is the boys on Easter. They are actually a year apart, but you wouldn't know that. Today is the *Twin's* 16th birthday! He is the Talented One's best friend. I think the Twin may have realized that he is officially part of the family on Easter. You see, in the chaoticness (yeah, I know that isn't a real word) of Easter and trying to get home, I forgot to tell hubby to bring him with us. Yah…I probably won't ever live that one down…but it's a good thing, really. I only ever forget my children! ha ha
He's so much a part of our family that a friend actually thought he was mine from birth! Seriously. We had a good laugh at that one when she wouldn't believe me. To make matters worse, when I tried to prove that I wasn't teasing her and that he really did legally belong to someone else, I grabbed another teen (I am a youth leader at our church) and said, "Who's his mom?"
The reply?
That certainly didn't help matters! It's a good thing his other mom and I are such good friends. We laugh about joint custody; especially during last summer!
Sometimes, there is actually a triplet that goes with the Twins.
He likes to be included once in a while and will go to extreme lengths to have my blog include him. He has such a good heart.
He carved this for me after camp last year just so he could be part of my blog! I thought it was fitting that he get to share in the happy birthday wishes of his one of his best buddies!
So, Twin…from the Talented One, your Triplet friend and your other mom:
Here's wishing you the happiest 16th birthday that you could have! It's been great having you as part of our family. You're a true friend to the Talented One!
Oh…and no, you can't borrow the car keys! ha ha
Happy Birthday.