Yesterday was the Heritage Festival. My family has gone for years and loves the chili cook off. Only..there wasn't one this year! Why not??? Why get rid of a 20 year tradition? Why? Why?
I managed to get myself going and hubby dropped off the Drama Queen, Chicken Noodle Butt and myself at the parade so I wouldn't have to park and walk forever. The parade was nice. After, we decided to walk around the festival and see what was what.
Not a whole lot to see, really. I was pretty disappointed, but they did have a cute little kids craft section. They got balloon stuff….a sword and a butterfly. Then, Chicken Noodle Butt's balloon popped when he kept poking it on the hot concrete….but that was kind of special, because there were two girls standing nearby who saw it and then went and got another balloon sword for him. I so wanted one of my Random Acts of Kindness awards to give to them, but I didn't have any on hand.
After balloons we headed over to make some tissue flowers. I had no idea how easy they are to make! Wow!
And then, we finally called hubby to come get us. What an exhausting morning…it was nice to get out, but still.
And yet, the Drama Queen was still unhappy because she didn't spend enough time with her cousin, the Ox. The same cousin who helped her to this
And this
To her face.
We had time for a quick wannabe nap and then a late visit of a round of Family Feud. And then….
I went to bed. Because my body still hasn't figured out how to have fun yet. It's trying though!
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