I've spent the past few days reading like crazy in preparation for some licensing. May I just say I am soooo happy to have finished and passed all of the tests? AND, I've learned some stuff, too! Hopefully, I'll be able to put it to the test this week!
May I also just say that I am down three doctors now! This means I am now only under the care of two…huge! And I can drive again; although it's not very comfortable if the truth be told!
Oh…and I am finally healing! I have made big people steps this week instead of the baby steps of weeks prior! I've still a long way to go, but I am moving forward!
The Talented One brought home not one, but two amazing grades on tests this week! Big!
B-boo started dance team this week. It's been such a joy to see her doing something she loves again!
Yes, it's been a week with some definite joy!
Best of all….I went to church this week! After 8 weeks, you can bet I was happy to be there again! God is good. 🙂
Wow, Praise God for this great progress update. That is wonderful news! (and who would have ever thought that being down to two doctors would be a reason to celebrate!? Hee hee!)