Every Thursday, "Good, True and Beautiful" hosts Just for the Joy of It. I love this and look forward to posting something that brings me joy each week. There are so many little things that I often speak of; family times & giggles, friendship, etc….
This morning, it was brought to my attention in my prayer and Bible study; what brings me joy is the ability to read His word. To pray for my children, my husband, my church, my friends, those in need. And more.
What brings me joy is knowing that I can trust in Him, no matter what. And knowing that I can go to His word and receive His comfort, His wisdom, His love.
There are many who can't.
There are many who won't.
My joy today, is not only knowing that I can, but actually doing it.
That is definitely something to be joyful about! Thank God for our relationship with him!