I love reading Just for the Joy of It at Good, True and Beautiful on Thursdays. I missed it last week because I was in the hospital. But I can come up with a ton of "Just for the Joy of It's" today. I'll share a few.
Starting with the Conga Line….Hubby had helped me shower today (that's joy in itself!), and was helping me down the stairs as it puckered me out. He walked in front of me and I held onto his shoulders. The Smart One yells out, "Conga Line!"
A smile, Just for the Joy of It!
Cuddling with the Drama Queen and watching "Tammy and the Bachelor."
Begging Chicken Noodle Butt to stop talking, but secretly smiling inside.
Sitting with my eldest next to me; not really talking much but surely enjoying his company.
Watching the Talented One and B-boo secretly giggle together and then burst out laughing; having no idea why, but it gives me joy to know they are.
Stealing a kiss with hubby.
Explaining to the Drama Queen the difference between a "private kiss" and a smooch.
Visits from friends.
The love of friends; the meals that have been brought, the phone calls, the help.
Baby steps every day; it's those little accomplishments that bring me joy!
Laughing, talking, singing, loving; living.
God is good.
Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry you haven’t been well! I’m glad that you’ve been able to find some joyful things, though. I guess being under the weather makes you really enJOY those everyday things.
I hope you’re doing better soon!
Oh NO! how did I miss that you were sick?! But thank goodness you are back “on your feet” and finding joy in life’s simple pleasures. So glad to hear that!
I’ll be praying for swift and complete recovery!