Today is Just for the Joy of It at Good, True and Beautiful. I love to read her blog at least once a week so that I can join in finding the Joy of the week. I've found myself looking for something to blog about on this day so that I can share my joy. I think that's a good thing; being a half-full instead of half-empty kind of gal!
By Monday morning, it seemed I was going to have a half-empty kind of week. However….
It's amazing what one phone call can do for you! I found joy in the fact that I don't have cancer! Trust me, there's a lot of joy in that!
I've found joy in encouragement from the unexpected.
I've found joy each morning this week as the Smart One and I work our way through Samuel. He wanted to read about the friendship of Jonathan and David so we started here. I find absolute joy in spending this type of time with my children; especially when they ASK you to spend it with them.
I've found joy in stolen kisses with my hubby. *wink*
I've found joy in the Princess being home.
I've found joy in the Talented One's music.
I've found joy in B-boo's ability to make me laugh.
I've found joy in cuddling with the Drama Queen while we read together.
I've found joy in lots of things.
Including the amazing video of "Oh Happy Day" that is posted by Sharon. Thanks!
Seems like you had a half-full kind of week after all! Congratulations on no cancer! What a tremendous relief that must be for you and your family. God is good!!