I wasn't sure what this Christmas would hold for my family. It's been a tough year all around, so focusing on the true meaning of Christmas is what has kept me going. And I'll have to admit, this is probably one of the best Christmas's I can remember. Would you like to know why?
My older brother showed up. This may not seem huge; but in the past 9 years, we have seen him all of three times! My kids were thrilled that he came! When B-boo found out, she came running down the stairs screaming, "Uncle Mando is coming, Uncle Mando is coming!"
As if that wasn't enough; my parents showed up. I always know they'll show up, but this year, there were health issues involved and it seemed like it may not happen. Then, while taking a break from shopping, I called to check on her. And she was happy. I told B-boo, "Grandma and Grandpa are here." She asked how I knew and I replied, "She's not crying anymore."
My husband's whole family is also here now. This means that the cousins that adore each other get to spend their Christmas together. It just doesn't get any better than spending the best part of the year with those that you love.
And there was cookie baking. Lots of it.
And then there was the little things.
Like the jacket that I knew B-boo wanted so bad. For weeks I would stop by the store to see if they still had it and if it had gone down in price. They still had it, but it was still too expensive. So I waited. And waited. And finally, when I could wait no more, Mom and I went to get it. It was gone. I was almost in tears. And then Grandma found it; on the clearance rack, marked down only an hour before. 80% marked off!
And in return? Poor B-boo had been dragged all over town with me for well over a year looking for the perfect sheets for my bed. It had to be dark purple, California king sheets. Impossible to find! I finally found a store that carries them, only they were sold out. And yet…
…there they were on Christmas morning; from B-boo. She had found them. And I slept like a baby last night, on my new sheets! I almost cried, that she would do that for her mom.
There was the origami calendar for the Smart One. He loved it! (We should really change his name to Mr. Paper!)
There was the clothes for the Talented One; and the ability to find ones that he loved at the price we could afford!
There were homemade picture frames, pj's and cheese and Yankee candles that I love!
And so much more that I could go on about; like the precious friends that have overwhelmed us with their blessings of goodies and candles and generosity.
There was the brisket from my hubby; my brother will probably never be the same again! (That and the fact that he had his first ever In & Out burger!)
There was the gift from my brother. He bought my kids a Wii! We thought that the Drama Queen would jump through the ceiling she was so excited. She just kept jumping higher and higher screaming, "We got a Wii, we got a Wii!"
And there was Grandpa playing Wii tennis; and hitting his grandchildren in the head with the remote and the laughter that came with it!
And the teenagers explaining to hubby how to play…and which buttons to push, and why he did it wrong…and why we need Wii fit.
Because our arms are sore, but the rest of our bodies aren't.
And there's the slumber parties…and us not knowing which child is staying or going or who's house their going to!
And my beloved son telling me I look like Madame Blueberry in my new purple pajamas. (Yes, my favorite color is purple.)
But I forgave him, because he did this.
These are the things that made my Christmas.
I got the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas. I really enjoy doing the yoga exercises.