Every once in a while, we get priceless moments in time that we just want to capture. There have been countless times over the past 22 years where I have thought to myself, "OH, I wish I had a camera right now!" Instead, we try hard to keep that moment in our memories and hope that we never forget it. Sometimes we do, however, until the memory is jarred back by a thought, a smell, or a laugh.
A great picture isn't only about the actual photo. It's about what was going on at that moment..and about how the photographer felt. For instance, don't they look like twins? They're actually three years apart, and this was one of those priceless moments where they were at complete peace with one another.
The picture below is actually of me and the Drama Queen. We were at one of the Smart One's karate testings. It's not a great photo in terms of quality, but it is one of my favorite photos. I had no idea my picture was being taken. I think it shows me as a mom. And a wife. And I wonder what my husband was thinking when he took this photo.
I can't even begin to express this picture. It's simply a boy and his rat. What other's may not know is that this wasn't just any rat. This was my son's gift from God; his special friend that he needed. Buster picked my son; and his heart was broken the day Buster passed. We all cried. But I'm glad that he was able to have his time with Buster.
This is one of my all time favorite pictures. It's my dad. My dad instilled the love of picture taking in me. He loves to capture life. This was taken during one of those moments when he was filming my children; his grandchildren. Again, I love those moment when the person is caught unaware.
The next two photos are of my children. The first is of B-boo. She was getting ready for a production she was in and kind of caught unaware. This was her last year before becoming the big teenager. I had helped her put on some make-up for the show. That was fun. And then, I grabbed the camera and she looked up and smiled, and I remember thinking to myself, "When did she grow up and become such a beautiful young woman?"
This is of the Smart One getting ready for a test. I laugh every time I look at this photo. He was obviously having a good hair day! I just love the look on his face. Happy. Content. Excited.
But THIS is my favorite photo of all! It is the photo that inspired me to write this blog. You see, on Good, True and Beautiful's blog today, they are giving away a rolled canvas print of a digital picture. I immediately thought of this picture, because I've always wanted to get it printed on a canvas. This picture is of my youngest two children. We had *hatched* some butterflies from caterpillars. We had a special net home and we watched them spin into cocoons and then emerge as butterflies. When it finally came time to release them, we went out into our backyard on a beautiful, spring day. The Smart One was so careful to take them out without harming them. The Drama Queen wanted to hold one, so he carefull placed the butterfly on her fingers. This picture is of that moment, as he was handing it off. When I look at this photo, I see the wonders of His creation; my beautiful children enjoying something so rare and wonderful. This was one of those moments when I was so glad to have my camera handy; a moment
not ever forgotten, and always cherished.
Oh wow. All the pictures are beautiful, but that last one is sublime. How spectacular! So glad you shared this today!
(and your kids are adorable too!)