It's that time of the week again…sharing my joy for the week, hosted by
And did I ever have a joy for the week! Shall I share? Well, ok, you twisted my arm! My joy hit big time Saturday night. After a full day, (and a pretty good one at that!), Punky came over and we got ready for…oh..shall I say it? My FAVORITE Christian artist, Todd Agnew and the Promise Remains Tour! I was so excited! Punky knew how bad I wanted to see the concert and so insisted that we go. She took B-boo and I with her and we had a blast!
Do we look like we're having fun?
I love this picture!
Anywho…first we listened to an awesome new group, Kimber Rising. Their voices are amazing! What a treat. Next on was Building 429. I liked that they were pretty versatile. They'd go from party animal energizing music to a ballad on the piano. I especially enjoyed, "I Am Free!" Finally, we took a 10 minute break and then…Todd Agnew came on! Yeah!
First, let me say that he looked nothing like I thought he would! I loved that he was so comfortable in jeans, a t-shirt and yes…completely barefoot! And Todd didn't just come out and give a concert. He led a worship experience! Not only does he have an amazing voice, but a wonderful sense of humor and amazing heart for our God. I nearly cried when he played Grace Like Rain and than took it right into Amazing Grace! Yup, that was definately my joy for the week! And when it was all over and we were walking out, another friend who'd come to the concert came up to me and handed me Todd's new cd! I'm telling you, pure joy!
Oh…and there was this other little thing that gave me some joy tonight. The Drama Queen has been trying hard to pull out her tooth. She's nine now and has only lost two teeth. Yes, really. She finally succeeded tonight in getting that top tooth out! Oh what joy, I'm sure!
Oh! I’m so JEALOUS! I would have loved to been there with you, singing along. Worship is wonderful. So glad you had a blast.
And congrats to the little lady on her gappy tooth smile. Too cute!
Wow, sounds like such a fun night! What an awesome experience. 🙂
What a great concert! I’d give my eye teeth…oh, wait. Didn’t your daughter just do that?
Glad you guys had a wonderful, worship-ful time and that your daughter finally has a hole to slip a straw into. Good times, good times.
How fun! I hope you had an amazing time Saturday, that sounds like a wonderful experience.