Conversation with B-boo. (Please note it was 84 degrees outside!)
"Get your shoes off of my couch!"
"I don't wear them outside!"
"Yes, but they'll ruin my couch!"
"But my feet are cold."
"You're wearing purple socks!"
"Purple doesn't keep my feet warm."
"Yes, it does."
"No, mom. Purple is close to blue and blue means cold and my feet are cold!"
Teenagers have the weirdest conversations. Just when I think I'm up on the latest wording, I find out I'm wrong!
Him: "My hair looks sick today!"
Me: "Is that good?"
Her: "Yes, Mom, that's cool."
He grins.
Her:"His hair's so sick, it has a fever!"
(Does that mean it's hot? Never mind…I don't want to know.)
As Chicken Noodle Butt rolls around on the floor, he shouts,
"Look, Aunt Hope, I can make my body in an *O*!"
And here's one from me! A new favorite saying that I'm sure I'll use over and over. (I won't say which child I had the privilege of saying this to!)
"You can't help it; You're directionally challenged!"
And from hubby:
"It's not cheating, it's creative maneuvering!"
I made gluten free chicken dumplings the other day. I called up the Smart One to let him know he could eat them. His reply?
"I know, Mom. I'm in the process of eating my second bowl right now."
He's eleven. Who talks like that at eleven?
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