Last night as I tucked in B-Boo, the princess started talking.
"You have to put five in the door."
I started to laugh and said, "What?"
"You have to put five in the door."
I lovingly told her she was asleep and to lie back down. She did, and was out. B-boo and I cracked up.
Sleepwalking/Sleeptalking is a genetic thing, I think. It does run in our family. Some examples:
I was eight month pregnant with B-boo. At 3:30 in the morning one day, hubby rips the covers off of me, straddles my huge belly and tells me not to move. Do you have any idea what that can do to a hugely pregnant woman? I proceed to lie there in sheer terror as he picks something from my hair and smushes it. It then dawns on me that he's asleep and I am fine. Or at least, I was, until now.
I told him, "You're asleep, lie down." He did. I didn't.
Another time, he actually sat up in the middle of the night and started speaking in spanish. We don't speak the language in our home. Ever. He can, but it just doesn't happen.
And yet another time, he sat up in the middle of the night and started moving his hands around, explaining to me how to make whatever it was he was making. And he was really into it, too.
Again, I told him, "You're asleep, lie down." And he did.
He's not the only one that does weird things in his sleep. One time I heard the Drama Queen going potty…but she stayed in there a really long time. Long enough for me to wake up and go check on her. I walked into the bathroom to find her hanging over the tub, with her clothes on the floor! Yes, the bathtub was sterilized the next morning!
I can usually tell when she is asleep; she has this glazed over look in her eyes. She has talked in her sleep so much I couldn't even post it here! When I'm in a really goofy mood, I'll actually carry on a conversation with her until I tire of the game and tell her to lie down, cause she's asleep.
But my all time favorite sleep story involves a certain young child who shall remain nameless. This child does amazing things in his sleep! He actually punched someone in the face once! Anyway, one afternoon we were coming home from lunch and had pizza stored in a box. He wanted a slice, so we told him we when we got home we'd give him some. But he fell asleep, so we carried him to his bed and put the box of pizza in the refrigerator.
Later that day, we were all sitting at the kitchen counter talking. The boy gets up and walks into the kitchen. He opens the refrigerator door, steps inside, and opens the lid to the pizza box. We all look at each other and giggle thinking he must have really wanted that pizza.
Until we hear a noise.
Like water running from a faucet.
(Some of you know where I'm going with this, don't you?)
Apparently the refrigerator door was the bathroom door.
And the pizza box was the toilet.
And my refrigerator was the bathroom.
Which was quickly emptied and sterilized as the boy was put back to bed.
Yeah, we have sleeptalkers…and sleep walkers.
That’s hilarious! He must have really had pizza on the brain when he fell asleep. I would share a sleep walking story, but I don’t have anything that even comes close so that!