Kristin over at We Are That Family is celebrating her 2 year blogoversary and has asked us to share a THAT Family moment. I thought of linking up the THAT Family Tree Society blog that made me part of THAT Family, but then I changed my mind. I do that. Instead, I thought I'd share one of THOSE most memorable moments!
Thursday & Friday:
It was a week to remember. A very long week. Hubby had been out of town and was finally in the air and on his way home. After a long day, I was finally able to jump in the shower. The Drama Queen, almost 2 at the time, was sitting on the carpet right outside my shower talking to me. When I got out, she informed me she'd just swallowed a penny. Ok. She looked fine. She was breathing. I started to dry myself off. She repeated that she had swallowed a penny…and it hurt. I placed my finger in her mouth and felt around. Nothing. But her eyes were huge and she demanded I take it out. And off to the ER we went, dragging along her then 10 year old brother with us. (The other children were gone that night.)
At the ER, vitals were taken and declared fine, so we were ushered off to a *closet* room so we could double check with an x-ray and go home. In the meantime, the Talented One had been picked up and taken to his Tia's home. I'd left a message on hubby's phone that we were at the ER but everything was fine.
Until they took x-rays. And the technician ran out of the room. Literally, leaving us standing there. And then he ran back to inform me not to move or startle her and that he was calling an ambulance.
NEVER do that to a mom!
The coin was lodged in her throat and she needed to be moved to a children's hospital for surgery, via ambulance. So, I called hubby again and let him know that it wasn't fine after all. And a good friend for prayer, who was wonderful and immediately came to wait with me at the hospital.
And the ambulance came and we drove off with hubby following behind in his car while the Drama Queen waved happily from the ambulance. And she had her surgery and the penny was removed and all was well.
For a couple of days. And then my other good friend went into labor and I spent Monday at the hospital with her.
Tuesday received a call from hubby just after dropping off B-boo at gymnastics. He asked me to meet him at the ER. Not funny when you've spent three of the last five days there. He was serious. The Talented One went back to his Tia's. I went to the ER. The staff there said we looked familiar. We explained we were the parent's of the coin swallower. They said they'd been wondering if it was a quarter. Nope, a penny. Hubby had a badly sprained ankle and so they did a half cast thing and wrapped him up. And I took him home.
Wednesday I woke up to an almost dead Chinese Water Dragon and a very upset son. What's a mom to do? I took the thing to the vet. He told me it was going to die. I cried. Yes, I cried over a lizard. I told him I'd do anything to help keep the little guy alive as we were having a very hard week. It didn't work; the little guy didn't make it.
Thursday we were up early as it was my turn to watch Tia's kids. Things were going smoothly, so the Talented One agreed to watch the little ones play in the yard while I managed to get hubby in the shower as he was starting to smell. We managed to get the splint off when we heard a blood curdling scream. A scream like that is never a good sign. I ran down the stairs with hubby hopping and screaming behind me. As I rounded the corner, the Talented One stood in the doorway with the Drama Queen held tight to his chest. It looked as if a bucket of blood had been poured over them. Oh…and the scalp on the back of her head was hanging down.
I grabbed her, a towel, the keys, and ran out quickly before hubby could see it. And off to the ER we went again. I can't tell you how I managed to somehow drive a stick shift to the hospital while holding pressure to her head and wiping the ants off of her. Not only had she managed to fly off of the swing backwards and land on a 2 by 4, but she'd landed in an ant's nest to top it off! (The swing set was removed from the yard immediately!) As we ran into the ER, they took one look and opened the doors and rushed us back. The conversation went something like this.
Me: "I need a doctor right away."
Nurse: "Ma'm, we need you to calm down."
Me: "I am calm, but we need a doctor right away."
Nurse: "Ma'm, it's not that bad. You need to calm down."
Me: "It's bad. I've seen it. I'll calm down when you get a doctor."
I calmed down. 17 staples later, we headed up to the CT department. Poor little old lady was sitting half asleep on a chair outside the room because she'd been taken out of the machine because of my daughter. We're sorry. You see, we're just THAT kind of family and we were just having one of THOSE kind of weeks.
Awwww….would that fall into the category of a terrible, horrible, very bad, no good time? Yikes, I’m glad all ended well. And thanks for visiting my blog!
Holy cow!! I think you should win, no questions asked!
I hope everyone is fully recovered. 🙂
Wow! What a week!
I can relate ;D
Thanks for celebrating with me!
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