Where no appointments exist? No counselors! No doctors! No dentist! No caseworkers! No school!
Nothing, Nada, Zip!
A morning where you can stay in bed and watch…oh, I don't know…"Mama Mia!" and laugh through it because that little woman is so much like your little Jewish friend. Really.
And you can type a blog about…oh, nothing really.
And feel sorry for your daughter because her lips are so sore from her new braces.
And you can not fret too much about the fact that your other daughter is now needing dental surgery to fix her teeth because she's ground them down so bad.
And you can even, perhaps, think about watching yet another movie…or not. But at least you can think about it!
And there's time to mend some pants.
And time for cuddles..with the kids…and the dog.
And maybe even time to do a little shopping for camp…if you feel like it.
But the best part?
There's time to relax, have a long shower, and perhaps make oneself smell really nice…and go on…oh, I don't know…a real DATE with one's spouse! Really.
A real dinner…with no interruptions. One where neither of you has to eat cold food because someone else is always needing something. One where you can eat anything you want…because there are no children with food allergies with you!
Adult conversation anyone?
I should pinch myself…cause it looks like I may have one of those days! Really.
Hope, you’ve needed one of these days for too long!
Kudos and enjoy!!!