If someone were to ask what my gift from God is, I'd have to say hospitality; serving. I love to help others whether it is making a meal, running an errand for them or serving somewhere in the church. Our home is your home. I came across this scripture in the New Living Translation and love the way it is worded:
9 Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.
10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 11
Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were
speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it
with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you
do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to
him forever and ever! Amen.
We've worked hard to make our home a comfortable place. We don't have fancy furniture and breakables. We want our guests to feel like they are part of our family when they are here. We want them to feel comfortable, peaceful, and welcome.
7Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men,
When I do something, I try to put my all into it. Having my niece and nephew with us now, I put my all into it. I put on my armor and move forward in my day. Sometimes I drop my shield of faith, and then I have to remember to pick it up again.
I've kind of had a rough week. I try hard not to complain. Really, I do. But this schedule is so grueling; exhausting. There is no free time. I have to remind myself that for now, I need to do even this, especially this, wholeheartedly. They are worth it.
For the past few years, I've gone with our teenagers to youth camp. I love it. These teens are so much fun! They love to laugh, live, serve God and have a grand time. We have so much fun at camp. We stay up late and play hearts! We eat hot tamales, m&m's and popcorn. We laugh. This year we'll be on the beach. I can't wait to take one of them back to the beach again. I was there the first time she ever stepped foot on a beach; put her feet in the ocean. I took pictures. It was great. A whole week of camp. I can hardly wait.
But this time, I will leave not only my two younger children and a husband behind, I'll also leave my niece and nephew who need me right now. I'll try not to worry. I have a great husband. A great family. Great friends.
This week, I am reminded of this scripture, through my friends and family:
friends, you were chosen to be free. So don't use your freedom as an
excuse to do anything you want. Use it as an opportunity to serve each
other with love.
This week, I have family and friends that will be coming into my home to take care of the kids so that my husband can work and I can go to camp. I thought about not going to camp this year, but I really think I should go. Last night, I typed up the schedule for the week. It's not too bad, this week, because only my niece has to go to school. But as I typed it up, I was reminded of God's love for us, too, because He has provided me wonderful people who are willing to serve us, so that we can serve others.
And He is continually teaching me, that as much as I like to be the one serving, sometimes, I also have to be willing to be served. That's hard for me. It's humbling. I hate to ask, and lately, I feel like I ask a lot. I'd love be able to make a phone call without it starting with, "I need a favor…"
Tomorrow I leave for camp. I will probably come back exhausted. But, I hope, that spending six days focused on Him will leave me refreshed. Yes, there will be time for Hearts and candy and the beach. But each day will be started with a Bible study and Worship and time for Him. It will also end with Him. I need that. I hope this week will bring me back around; will re-focus me and possibly adjust my attitude.
And thank you, dear ones, for allowing me to go. For allowing me to have this week, to let go, and let God.
That’s a beautiful thought. Thanks for sharing it.