Saturday wasn't too bad of a day. After accomplishing most of my monthly shopping at Wally-World, Costco and Albertsons, I was ready for some fun. The Good-Looking son came over with a friend. Being the good mom that I am, I made him a fantastic lunch while he helped bring in the groceries! After we were done stuffing ourselves and vegging for a bit, we headed off to the water park for some of this:
And then we came home…and well, since we were already in our bathing suits, we decided I decided that it would be a good time to wash the van. We decided the kids decided that it'd be fun to help. Ok then! BTW…the photography below was taken by none other than B-Boo! Ain't she grand?!
Well, ok, mostly play….but some work, honest!
All that sun looks so inviting on this gloomy, chilly northern IL day.