"Aunt Hope, pretty soon you're going to need a wheelchair."
My niece, 6 years, as I was putting her to bed
"Mom, can you unplug the car?"
B-boo, 14 years, apparently forgot that you turn off an engine, not unplug it.
"So mom, you're saying that 2/3 of us are dumb, 2/3 are untalented, and 2/3 are ugly."
The good-looking one, 21 years. (And no, that is NOT what I said!)
"I couldn't let him get it for me. He thought it was a beetle, like a ladybug. It was a cockroach. I couldn't do that to a 4 year old."
Friendly teen, 16 years old.
Conversation with a 4 year old
"Aunt Hope, you were five before?"
"35 years ago."
"You're THAT old???"
Why do those quotes make ME feel old? LOL