There has to be something said for talent, right? I mean, in light of our conversation tonight of My3Sons…the oldest is the good-looking one, the middle one is the talented one and the youngest is the smart one. We have great laughs about this…as in, tonight the oldest informed me that according to this theory, I have two sons that are ugly and untalented, I have two sons that are dumb and ugly and two sons that are dumb and untalented! Let it be known that I, their mother, have never ever said that! But, they, My3Sons, do like to get the funny jabs in.
That said, tonight, the talented one rocks! We have to have a family picture for some licensing we're trying to get. A family picture is not anything any of us looks forward to. Have you ever tried to get seven people all looking at the camera at the same time with the perfect smile and eyes open? It's not easy. Our last family picture, taken professionally, is only good, well, because, honestly, the photographer swapped heads! Swapped heads as in from several different photos and put them together on one…on the right bodies, I might add, just in case you all are now wondering! This photo was taken years ago!
As soon as we all got home, I had the smart son pull out the tripod and set up my camera so that we could get a family picture. This, of course, brought on many groans. However, they were sorta willing to cooperate so that we could get it all over with quickly.
The rules were as follows:
Everyone had to be facing the camera.
No silly faces.
No hoodlum faces. (Ok, that one was a wee bit negotiable..they are My3Sons after all!)
And the result? It took one single picture! Can you believe it? Ok, it's not the BEST picture we've ever taken, but it fell within the guidelines!
I still wasn't thrilled with the background…and we'd already changed out of our nice clothes…but my talented son managed to do this in a matter of minutes.
In case you didn't know it already, my favorite color is purple. The Talented Son says that he'll fix the feathering on the Good-Looking Son's face tomorrow! He does have an image to maintain, afterall!
I am quite impressed! Great pics!