Perhaps this should be mornings with B-Boo revisited. At any rate, the girl is a crack up.
First, a note about B-Boo. She is very organized. She likes things just the way she likes them, and she functions and learns when things are in an orderly fashion.
Somehow we got to talking about scars and how weird they feel. (We both have surgery scars on our tummies…must be a mother daughter thing.) Anyway, she mentioned that her belly button scar felt weird. Then, we went on to discuss belly buttons. I mentioned to her that a friend of mine no longer has a belly button from her tummy surgeries. She thought that was so weird. Then the following conversation ensued.
"Mom, you have to have a belly button."
"Well, she doesn't".
"Mom, you need to have a belly button for health reasons."
"She doesn't have one anymore."
"In CPR, they show you how you have to find the area between the chest and the belly button. You need a belly button to save someone's life. I could never save her life since she doesn't have a belly button!"
To my friend without the belly button…please don't ever choke on anything when we are around. B-Boo wouldn't be able to save you since you don't have a belly button. I'm really sorry, there's just nothing I can do about it.
Another note: Just in case you are ever so inclined to type in belly button on google images…please save yourself! It is amazing what people can do with their belly buttons! Now I'm not only physically scarred, but mentally scarred as well!