The past few weeks certainly have been. Yup, that's all I can say…they just have been. A recap if you will:
Three ER visits in less than three weeks; bronchitis, flu, sciatica, fractured wrist, dental stuff, school stuff, homework, drawing, hip hop, karate, visitation, numerous phone calls…the list goes on and on! The other day I sat down at 3:30 pm to finally grab a bite of lunch. I was happily slurping up my soup when I realized I forgot to pick up the littlest one from school! I quickly zoomed out of the house and made it just in the nick of time! 🙂
The kids send me text messages reminding me of their needs during the day, and hope that they've moved up on the list of things to accomplish today!
"Mom, don't forget this."
"Mom, don't forget that."
Sometimes they're just reminding me of stuff for me, because quite frankly, they know I may forget! B-boo continually tells me that she doesn't know what I'd do without her….she's right! She knows what I need these days before I do and will have it in the van as I rush out the door to the next appointment with the next kid. You just gotta love her!
And then there's just life. Honestly, many have asked how I am doing, and it's gotten to the point where I just look at them, really, because, how do you answer that question when you really don't even have the time to sit and think about how you really are? You just are. It's that simple.
What I do know is this:
I know I have an amazing God who really knows how I feel and who really will get us through this. He continues to prove that to us day after day.
James 1:2-3 says,
2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
Faith is an amazing thing.
I know that I have an amazing family and that God is working in a mighty way in their lives right now. This comes with much hurt, many tears, and a love that is all encompassing. My children are learning to love in ways that I don't think even they thought was possible.
I know that I have an amazing support system through friends and our church. The outpouring of prayer alone is enough to humble us. This past weekend we had to go through 7 hours of Kinship foster training. We had children fanned out all over the city! Friends were showing up at our house early in the morning to pick up whichever child they were in charge of for the day and just took them and loved on them and gave them what they needed! Another took fluids and soup to my oldest son who was sick with the flu; she'd never been there but knew she lived close and knew I couldn't take care of his needs, so she did it for me. Amazing. Another child needed someone and made a phone call to one of our friends. She didn't hesitate, but jumped in her car and took care of the need immediately. Amazing.
We learned this weekend that these friends who are so willingly helping us are going to need to have their lives intruded on as well. They'll have to be fingerprinted and their homes will have to be inspected. I mentioned this to one of them late Saturday night when she brought back one of our children. She didn't hesitate at all, instead just said, "Sign me up!" Sunday morning at church, her husband was confirming that he was fine with the whole thing, too, when another friend and her husband piped up that they'd be willing to go through the process, too, so that they could be on the list to help out. Amazing that we don't even have to ask. In addition, another friend came up to me and asked what I need help with. I just kind of looked at her and smiled. I don't know what I need, remember? (ha ha) She took control and said she'd bring us a meal on Wednesday; a safe meal for my whole family because two of my children suffer from serious food allergies. Amazing.
I'm learning how to say "no" when I need to and "yes" when I ought to.
I taught a Bible study this weekend on being in the wilderness and looking at the peaks and valleys in your life and how God has, or is, bringing you through. We're in a pretty big valley right now and the mountain seems too hard to climb, but I can honestly say that I'm looking forward to it. There are moments when it seems too hard, and God will send someone amazing who just happens to call right at that moment and offer to pray for me (thank you, dear friend). There are also moments, when I realize just how much God is strengthening me, and so I continue on in Him, after all, He is Amazing!
You are an amazing person….God made you to be, and you accepted the challenge. I love you, girlfriend!