The Drama Queen loves to sing…she sings all day long, every day, when she wakes, when she sleeps…she sings so much she doesn't even realize when she is singing!
Hubby said to me the other day, "She's stopped singing."
The past few weeks have certainly been days of chaos as we try to make adjustments and appointments. We need to have the music back. She has a big solo coming up and so we asked her to sing it for us. It took a few tries, but finally, she opened up and sang her heart out!
She's still not singing as much as she used to, but we're working on that. You see, we've discovered we have another child in the house who loves to sing almost as much as the Drama Queen. We've also discovered that in the midst of the chaos, singing, or even just listening to music seems to calm. It's the one time when the fighting stops and the teamwork starts. It's a time when we can focus on Him and just pour our hearts out and be who He wants us to be. When we can focus on something greater than what we're going through in that one moment.
So we will sing! Sing we must! We will sing when our hearts our broken. We will sing when we think we just can't do our homework. We will sing when we are happy. We will sing for fun. We will sing as we get ready for bed. We will sing on our way to school and we will sing on our way home! We will be a house that sings, and we will get through this for sure!
Singing always lifts my spirits.