Having a four year old sure keeps us on our toes! We've been working hard to teach him the proper way to do this and that…things like brushing your teeth, putting your shoes on the right feet, putting your dirty clothes in the hamper, etc.
Last night, I was trying to get him ready for bed. We've been working hard on having him dress and undress himself. It had been a long day and we were near the end. I showed him how to get his pajamas out of the correct drawer and then asked him to take off his pants. I remember vaguely thinking that I ought to show him how to pull them off from the feet so that they won't be inside out, but before I could say a word he just dropped himself to the ground and started shaking…more like convulsing!
I'm sure my mouth must have dropped in horror for a second, but then it turned into hysterical laughter as I continued to watch the little guy! He shook himself all over the carpet shaking his legs and body as fast as he could until he shook those jeans right off! It was probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen! So funny, in fact, that I don't think I'll ever be able to teach him how to properly remove one's pants from one's body!
You need a video of that little trick! LOL