It's been so long since we've had nap time! My youngest is almost nine as she likes to put it. Sunday afternoons are usually spent relaxing for a couple of hours after church before we head back for youth group, but it's mostly Dad that naps, not us.
Somehow I managed to get myself and six children to church on time this morning! I even managed to get them into their respective classes and I managed to make it to the youth bible study that I'm teaching. You know, after such a hard week, I also managed not to lose it even one time. That is, until bible study.
So there I am, teaching about Injustice around the world to a group of teenagers, two of which are my own. I was supposed to teach this bible study three weeks ago, but the man was very sick. The following week I had bronchitis and then last week I was dealing with the family crisis. It dawned on me this morning that I was teaching on Injustice around the world; something I'd dealt with all week long.
I'm pretty sure that God knew this was going to happen. After we watched the video, bible study took on a whole new life of its own. And then, I started crying and could hardly speak. It was terrible. But, those kids know me so well, so I'm pretty sure they were surprised as all get out. And I'm pretty sure that our circumstances made it real for them. And I hope that it showed them that we need to stand up and fight against the injustices in this world, and give them the Hope of Christ. And I really hope that it gave them the courage to know that they can make a difference.
I asked the Talented One if I embarrassed him today. He's so sweet. He said it didn't embarrass him at all, that he'd felt the same way and maybe it was good for them to know. And he was great! After church Dad and B-boo had to be somewhere else, so the Talented One and I were in charge. We had a 4, 6, 8, 10, & 11 year old to feed, as well as ourselves. It was a hoagie sandwich day and it we pulled it off, as well as getting the kitchen cleaned afterward!
And so here I am, writing this blog as I sit next to a sweet heart of a four year old sound asleep beside me. I'd forgotten how much a mom can look forward to nap time!
I think you really needed that cry…and the comfort of those kids. Teens are the most flexible, versatile age….they’ll surprise you every time. HUGS